Resources Media Resources OMSPro helps PANDORA, a Luxury Jewellery Retailer to deploy OMSPro solution with Salesforce Commerce Cloud in Hong Kong / Macau / Singapore / Japan
OMSPro helps PANDORA, a Luxury Jewelry Retailer to deploy OMSPro solution with Salesforce Commerce Cloud in Hong Kong / Macau / Singapore / Japan

In 2015, this Luxury Jewelry Retailer was looking for an upgrade for their online business in APAC, deciding to roll out Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) for their e-commerce in Hong Kong and Macau market.
However, to have a completed and efficient online transaction for e-commerce, an Order Management System (OMS) is certainly the key part that nobody can miss. By not choosing the one but choosing the right one, this Luxury Jewelry Retailer selected the OMSPro solution, developed by RCI Global Services, to connect with their SFCC.
This Luxury Jewelry Retailer decided to further apply this effective solution to their other markets in APAC, so in 2017, they’re deploying SFCC with OMSPRO for their e-commerce business in the Singapore market. And in 2018, they’re migrating from Magento to SFCC and OMSPro for their Japan market.
RCI Global Services was the major partner of this Luxury Jewelry Retailer to carry out all the OMSPro deployments for those four different markets. The challenges we faced during the deployment in each market were unquestionably quite big.
to manage online orders
At the time, our customer was too focusing on the SFCC implementation and totally neglected the importance of the online order management function which is the core to deliver seamless care and service to the customers.
When they realized the problem, it’s already in the last stage of the whole SFCC implementation project, which only left 3 months for them to find a qualified Order Management System and then deploy it to the Hong Kong market.
For another, our customer was supposed to soon get started the SFCC rollout for the Macau market after the Hong Kong one. But they seemed to be trapped until they met us who provided a solid OMS solution and made a commitment to help them finish the OMS deployment for the Hong Kong market in 3 months.
The 2nd challenge was to leverage OMSPro solution that we deployed for the Hong Kong market for the Singapore market by taking into account the localization issues.
To better operate the online orders in Singapore market, it’s important to fully understand all the localization requirements and workflows of Singapore fulfillment rule, taxation rule, business regulation, local consumer behavior, etc. Therefore, being able to provide the localization best practices and identify the opportunities to improve the localization processes was the key to the success of the OMSPro implementation.
With powerful local partners and rich system implementation experiences in the APAP region, RCI Global Services was confident that OMSPro would help our customer to smoothly operate its e-commerce business in Singapore with various advanced functions.
The 3rd challenge we faced at the time was in the Japan market.
This Luxury Jewelry Retailer’s online business in Japan had been using Magento as the main platform for its both e-commerce build-up and order management for years. But they wanted to make a change by migrating from Magento to SFCC and OMSPro. So how to convince Japan users to move from Magento backend to OMSPro with SFCC was the main challenge for us.
Bringing the new solutions into the e-commerce business of our customer in Japan market can increase their productivity and help them make better revenue. But it can also be uncomfortable for people, especially for those who live in a relatively conservative culture like Japanese. Getting users in Japan on board with the new OMSPro is no easy task. Not many users like change, even when it’s for the better.
The skeptical users were happy with the Magento and they didn’t realize how great the improvement would be by using the new OMSPro. So RCI Global Services needed to provide not only the efficient system deployment plan but also an effective method for educating the existing users to quickly transfer from the old platform to the new one.

Regarding OMSPro, we believe that, based on our experience, too much customization for a system can create various functional conflict and dramatically decrease the system’s stability, so we are putting more efforts on the core functions design when we’re developing the OMSPro system, ensuring the system is fully capable to cover most order-management-related situations
With 80% core functionalities and 20% customizations for each market, OMSPro can already provide our customer with most core functions by itself for order management in a super stable way. But still, we’ve done some customization for each market depends on the situation, giving our customer more flexibility to adapt to the local environment.
Our customer is thrilling to see a variety of advanced functions have been added for better dealing with the online orders. Here are the details for each market.

These two markets are special, they’re sharing the common geography, culture, and local consumer behavior, so we decided to put more connections between these two markets by adding some crucial advanced functions. Such as the acceptance of Chinese mobile payment methods like WeChat pay and Alipay, the capability to ship products from Hong Kong for Macau, sharing the same inventory of online and offline store for both HK and Macau market, etc.
The following is all advanced functions for Hong Kong / Macau markets
- Buy online, and ship from store
- Buy online, pick up at SF Express Locker (HK)
- Online and offline store, sharing the same inventory
- Ship from Hong Kong for Macau orders
- Pick & Pack function in OMS
- Accept WeChat pay and Alipay
- Bundle Product multi-Promotions
For example, there is a tax called Good and Services Tax which is implemented by Singapore’s government because it wants to maintain its international competitiveness in attracting investments. To better operate the e-commerce business in Singapore, well managing the GST tax is crucial, so there is an advanced function our customer specifically for the GST tax management, which can help it avoid lots of troubles during the online transaction.
The following is advanced functions for the Singapore market
- Buy online, and pick up at the store by integrating with POS system
- Manage GST tax
- Accept Apple Pay
- Bundle Product multi-Promotions
The local users are very happy with the new system and didn’t expect the learning curve is so flat. With all those new advanced functions provided by OMSPro, users in Japan can definitely have a much better experience and efficiency.
The following is all advanced functions for Japan market
- Hong Kong & Singapore Advanced functions
- Migration data from Magento to OMSPro
- Cash-On-Delivery payment (COD)
- Gift Note message in Japanese with Emoji

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